Friday, September 15, 2023

Spectrum - Super Hang On Updated

 Spectrum - Super Hang On Updated

An updated that run emulated on windows with new screens. Also real tzx available.

Check HERE

Friday, September 1, 2023

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Amiga 1200 - amiga error during resload_kick

Well, this error appears to me when i try to replace the old mechanic driver from the A1200 with a CF Card with 4GB.

First i thought that the errors that appear when i try to open some games (most of them AGA games) where related with the fact that i was copying the amigaos directly from windows.

After some expediencies i have notice that the errors keep appearing.

Based on this video, and basically what you have to do is replace in the maxtransfer field from hd tools the data to : 0x1FE00 and hit enter.