Wednesday, August 12, 2020

ZX Spectrum Next


A Spectrum that is not a Spectrum....

In the past, the zx spectrum was a spectacular machine. In addition to the games it served for many as an initiation to programming in Basic.

The time it took to load a game on its tapes, which are now a rarity to find, was brutal but was part of the whole ritual that characterized the machine.

But looking back, it left some good memories of the time we spent having fun with this machine ... it was a classic.

Looking now at the present, the Zx Spectrum Next appears, as a revival of a classic ... bullshit.

Wifi? 1 gigabyte of memory? bluethooht? 300 pounds? seriously?

It would be much more interesting to have remake the versions of the spectrum with technological improvements to the materials but maintaining what has always characterized the ZX Spectrum.

The ZX Spectrum Next is a kind of turntable, but does not read vinyl records and has a USB port for MP3 files ...

I can't see the enthusiasm in this PC that looks like a spectrum ...

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